Monday, October 29, 2012


“We used to go to a summer place in Northern Ontario. And my mother had this lady analyze handwriting. The lady analyzed my handwriting and said that someday I was going to be a famous architect.”

“I took a class in perspective, with Mr Workman, and I failed. I got an F. I couldn’t stand it so I went back and took it again, and got an A.
Then I took a class at USC in ceramics. The ceramic teacher said ‘I have a hunch you should take an architecture class, 'I'm going to enroll you at night. Every Monday night there's an architecture class.' Got an A in the class and they recommended I go into Second Year Architecture.
Then in the middle of Second Year my teacher said ‘Frank this isn’t for you, you should get out of here. It didn’t mean shit to me.
It devastated me, but I didn’t give up.

‘[In the Eighties] my colleagues were starting to replay Greek temples. That was hot, everybody was re-doing the past.
I said, y’know, “Greek temples are anthropomorphic. And three hundred million years before man was fish. If you wanna, if you gotta go back, if you’re insecure about going forward, dammit, go back three hundred million years. Why are you stopping at the Greeks?” So I started drawing fish in my sketchbook.’

‘And I realized, when I'd come in to the meetings with these corrugated metal and chain link stuff, and people would just look at me like I'd just landed from Mars. But I couldn't do anything else. That was my response to the people and the time.’

Kutipan dari 
Frank O Gehry Arsitek

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